Do you love the ocean and excel at math and science? Have you considered being an ocean engineer? This article provides information on the types of problems ocean engineers will solve to help you navigate the road to a future in an ocean engineering career. These jobs are highly in demand, pay well, include a wide variety of specialties, and will provide you with a challenging and fulfilling career.
Ocean Engineering Specialties
If you are considering a career in ocean engineering, it is helpful to be aware of the many options within this niche. Specialties include coastal protection, port and harbor design, wave loading analysis, ocean data collection, analysis and modeling, marine robotics and sensor design, underwater communications, remote sensing, marine renewable energy harvesting, offshore structure design, buoy design, marine materials selection and corrosion protection and more. There is a wide variety of opportunities for students with different strengths and interests.
Here are several examples of ocean engineering specialties:
Buoy Engineering
Coastal Modeling and Protection
Marine Renewable Energy
Materials Selection and Corrosion Control
Ocean Data Collection and Analysis
Offshore Structures
Undersea Robotics and Communication
This certainly isn’t an exhaustive list but should provide you with enough examples to get the idea of what an ocean engineer does. Please send comments to the email below if you have anything to add to the list or would like to provide any advice to someone considering a career in OE. For additional resources, please go to our other articles on Which companies hire ocean engineers and What colleges offer ocean engineering degrees.